Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My New Life

This was really inspiring for me, made me think of Ivy lots, but also of myself and my own little struggles. I've been having a really hard time with the bad morning sickness and now I've had the flu and my house has turned into something terrible. I feel like I'll never recover, feel like a horrible wife and mother, because I've been slacking so so badly. It's true what she says in her video, hard times really turn you to the lord and bring sacred moments.
I am so inspired by Stephanie Nielson and all she does despite her burns and that everyday life is not easy for her. I've got a lot less to struggle with than she and she is an awesome housekeeper, mom and wife! If she can do it I CAN !! OH I CAN ...I CAN!
I've been reading her blog which I highly recommend


Julie said...

What a beautiful thought

Unknown said...

Thanks for the introduction- we all need little uplifts.