Friday, May 14, 2010

Fun Time

I don't have any pictures, because I need to buy some batteries for my camera, but I had a fun day yesterday, and wanted to share it a little. I needed a little change from the clean and school all day. So we went down to the recently filled lake here on Lakeside Farms. I brought out little table, shade umbrella, and chairs in the back of the truck, along with my boys, sunscreen, some goldfish crackers in baggies, Caprisuns, and some towels. We had a great time. The boys were the insect rescuer team, saving all kings of stranded wooly bear caterpillars, and such hanging onto tall blades of grass. They didn't rescue the little clouds of stranded red ants floating along though. The world could do with a few less of those we thought. They caught and released some frogs, and enjoyed the many dragonflies whizzing by. As did I. But most of all I enjoyed my boys and they're fun adventures they dream up and go on wherever they are.
And Jared trying to do everything they do, trying to race to the water, hands extended behind him for effect (makes him feel like he's going fast I think) then jumping in ankle deep laughing proudly, while his brothers of course jump out much further. (I'm glad he's cautious)
We also were visited by cute cousins, Isa's crew along with little Cammi :). She loved the water too, but was less cautious, she want to just swim out there. : ) She was ready. She's big! and she can't figure out why no one else see's it.
Annette's baby shower was very fun too, I'm excited to see her little Connor, born today!
(I found a picture of a wooly bear caterpillar online to help give a visual of their fun finds)

(note for any confused ones: Isa is my husbands brother Jonathan's wife, Cammi is my husband Michael's sister Elisabeth's almost 2 year old)


ky+i=vy said...

oh jennifer - -
what fun and cute little tow-heads you have!! as you were describing little jacob flying around with arms outstreached behind him, i could picture him and i saw him squeel with pleasure! what a fun time of life you are in with cute little people to color your days! and i am a little jealous of where you live: right next to an exciting forest to explore in and on a fun lake (which you never know when its coming) to have these beautiful days at, and half of the hatch family and theirs to share with!!

Midodi said...

What a perfect day. I love when you use your resources to make magic.

Unknown said...

so sad i missed it. lets do that again but this time i will come too!

Heather said...

I'm hoping for more posts, jenafur!