Friday, September 5, 2008

The Golden Pyramids

Here are some pictures of the boys' latest fun. When new rice holes come to the farm, to put down as shavings in the chicken barns, they come in big mountains. (the kids and I call them pyramids because they look like golden pyramids from far away.) They had a great time this past week climbing them and playing in them.
For our Family Home Evening last Monday we climbed the Pyramids and michael gave them turns being thrown up into them.
Their Cousin Amaya played with them also one of the days. She and her family, (Michael's brother Jonathan's family) live on the farm also. Andrew ran over to see if she could play with us too. She and Jacob are almost 2 months apart in age.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our Baby Boy

Here are some recent ultrasound pictures of our little boy. Just thought it would be fun to share. He's been very wiggly lately and they say he's more than 3 pounds already.