Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jared LaVor Hatch

Jared Was Born Monday Morning at 4:47am. Everything went really well. He was 7 lbs 10 ounces, 20 inches. We're both doing great.

Building with Dad

The Boys really have enjoyed Helping Dad with the New Playhouse business Michael, Jonathan and their Dad have started. They sold their first house last week. The boys are looking farward to Dad Starting the next house. I unfortunatly didn't take a picture of the finished house, but here are the boys working on it with Dad.


We had lots of fun at our Ward Halloween part and on Halloween. Andrew was Larry Boy from Veggie Tales, for Halloween, and Jacob was Batman, both were homemade, except for Jacobs Mask. At the Halloween party, the boys got to play with some of their favorite friends. Andrew mostly played the whole time, Jacob enjoyed the games and collected lots of candy. they also enjoyed the Trunk or Treat, trick or treating to everyone's cars. Jacob enjoyed the Decorations most, at both the party and on Halloween. He wanted to stay at each house and look at each decoration and tell me about it. It was fun. We went trick of treating with Annette's kids, the boys also really enjoyed that.


We had Lots of fun a couple weeks ago up having a campfire at Marks Family's Cabin. We Had family Home evening with Nana, Grandpa, Ivy, Elisabeth's Family, Jonathan's family, and Marks Mom and Dad. We roasted hot dogs and made smores and had a great time. Jacob asks if we can go again often.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Golden Pyramids

Here are some pictures of the boys' latest fun. When new rice holes come to the farm, to put down as shavings in the chicken barns, they come in big mountains. (the kids and I call them pyramids because they look like golden pyramids from far away.) They had a great time this past week climbing them and playing in them.
For our Family Home Evening last Monday we climbed the Pyramids and michael gave them turns being thrown up into them.
Their Cousin Amaya played with them also one of the days. She and her family, (Michael's brother Jonathan's family) live on the farm also. Andrew ran over to see if she could play with us too. She and Jacob are almost 2 months apart in age.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our Baby Boy

Here are some recent ultrasound pictures of our little boy. Just thought it would be fun to share. He's been very wiggly lately and they say he's more than 3 pounds already.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Summer Fun

The boys have been having lots of fun in the water all summer! They usually swim, but last week I convinced them that sprinklers were fun too. We have an oscillating sprinkler, so I told them to run and touch the water before It squirt them. So they thought that was really funny, and eventually decided they liked it when the water got them.
In the pool recently Andrew taught himself to float on his back! I had never mentioned anything about floating on one's back to him before. I was in the yard and noticed what he was doing so slowly when over to watch, without him seeing me. It was really cute and yes he was floating! I asked him where he learned that!
It was from a DVD we checked out from the library last week called "Popular Mechanics For Kids: Sea Creatures." Anyway Andrew said Tyler on the show showed him how to float on his back, then Andrew said, "It's because of Buoyancy", as he was floating along. : )

Lately Jacob has been constantly building, with whatever he can find! He's been making a little collection of different materials he deems suitable for building. (for example he in the picture you might see the piece of brick he had found outside. After finding it, he then ran inside and started building. (thats when i went in to take the picture.)
Anyway I asked Michael if he thought we could make him some blocks up in his Dad's shop. So anyway, Last night he went up and made a bunch of blocks. Here are the few I've finished sanding so far.

Andrew is and has been really into superheros.
Here is him with a towel for a cape.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

All spring the boys were asking to pick strawberries at Nana and Papa's house, down the road. They love to go visit.