Friday, April 23, 2010

Well this week has been eventful. Biggest not so wonderful event being my new Bowlfriend ...yeah I'm really really feeling barfy. (I'm pregnant for anyone who may not know, we never really officially announced it or anything.)
Iwas hoping this pregnancy was not going to be hard but I'm feeling pretty close to the Andrew pregnancy days. But I'm better at holding back the sickness from overflowing with mints etc. Biggest problem is any drinks make me really gag. So I'm trying to sip now and then but I'ts hard not to get dehydrated. I need to get some sprite or something to see if that will go down without making me sick. On to cuter sbjects...
Jared's new answer to every question starting 2 days ago is "NO!". Cute for the first little while but getting a tiny bit annoying. I guess he's getting to that age though. He also spends lots of time sweeping and mopping my floors and re stacking cans on the floor from the cubboard.
And the other pictures are of my little mad scientist and his assistant Jacob. They love chemistry class I highly recommend products at they have chemistry curriculum - lessons at every age level, also physics and biology! You can veiw all of the lessons, books, and curriculum online. It's really cool.


Catherine said...

Cutest boys ever!!!! I'm sorry to hear about your yuckiness, I too was crossing my fingers for you. Hopefully it wont last as long as Andrew's. Love you lots! Thanks for keeping us updated with your posts I love reading about what you and the boys are doing.

ky+i=vy said...

im so sorry, pregnant lady, but im so excited you are pregnant!

you have cute little mad scientists and a cute little mischief-maker! aww

Unknown said...

I didn't know you were feeling that bad again- you sure hide it well. Way to carry on! Good luck. I love the pics of the boys- They are keepers (both the boys and the pics) I wish I had someones to try out the chem stuff- looks cool!

Midodi said...

That is so cute! And no, I didn't know you were pregnant. Congrats!